1.3. 100 Ideas

There is always more than one way to solve a design problem or communicate a message visually. Your role as a graphic designer is not only to come up with ideas but also to decide which idea would be most appropriate and effective for your aims and objectives. Ideation can be difficult, but it is an important stage in the design process to avoid an obvious solution.

Design a new banknote for your hometown. Research the area using primary and secondary resources. Spend some time in the area documenting its identity and character. Talk to the people who live there: what do they value?

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  1. Start by brainstorming your ideas. From this brainstorm, create 100 different sketched thumbnails of new banknotes without using a computer. Consider the shapes, metaphors, icons, and symbols of the currency—think about what visual language for physical currency already exists, as well as more abstract forms such as cryptocurrency and NFTs.
  2. Select 50 ideas and compositions that you deem to be the most successful and digitise them. Consider the colours, contrasts, form, and hierarchy of each design element individually and how they work together.
  3. Select the 25 you deem to be the most successful from your digital banknotes. Experiment with the variations of these notes. consider size, materials and methods of creation(e.g. sketches, papercuts, painting).
  4. Select the note you think is the most successful and develop it into a finalised product. Present the note to your peers, explaining why you think it is more successful than your other 99 ideas.

This assignment is taken from the book Graphic Design School